Episode 36 – Aaron Clark, co-founder Glove Box Games, creators of Beard Blade

In this episode I speak with Aaron Clark, co-founder of Glove Box Games, creators of Beard Blade

Start – 3:45 – Intro

3:45 – 10:30 – Aaron answers how and why they landed on a magical beard wielding protagonist named Branson

10:30 – 18:15 – I ask Aaron about the current climate of educational games

18:15 – 30:25 – We talk about how Aaron got into making games, and what kind of advice he can share based on his experience

30:25 – 51:30 – We talk about Aarons favorite game, Super Mario World, and why. We then float through a bunch of other games that Aaron enjoyed and I ask about whether he ever played any of the SNES Capcom games due to his art reminding me of their fantastic designs

51:30 – 54:30 – We talk about what makes gaming enjoyable to Aaron

54:30 – 1:01:00 – We talk about what Aaron enjoys doing outside of playing and making games

1:01:00 – End – Wrap Up

Check Beard Blade out on their Steam page at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1546940/Beard_Blade/

Check Beard Blade out on Twitter at https://twitter.com/BeardBladeGame or check out Glove Box Games on Twitter at https://twitter.com/gloveboxgames

Check Aaron out on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ac2Dart

For you hold outs, you can also check them out on Tumblr at https://beardbladegame.tumblr.com/

Check out their Instagram at www.instagram.com/beardbladegame/

Episode 35 – Conversation with Bruno Beaudoin, creator of Nightmare Reaper at Blazing Bit Games

In this episode I speak with Bruno Beaudoin from Blazing Bit Games, creator of Nightmare Reaper

Start – 6:45 – Intro

6:45 – 16:00 – We talk about how Bruno got into the gaming industry

16:00 – 31:00 – We talk about Bruno’s favorite game as a child, Blood. As well as his revisiting of an old favorite Daggerfall.

31:00 – 37:30 – We talk about what it is that make games enjoyable to Bruno

37:30 – 47:30 – Bruno talks about kind of games he enjoys or plays to relax such as Subnautica and Vampire Masquerade

47:30 – 53:00 – We talk about what Bruno likes to do outside of playing and making games

53:00 – End – Wrap Up

Check Nightmare Reaper out on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1051690/Nightmare_Reaper/

Check out Nightmare Reaper on Twitter at https://twitter.com/NightmareReape4

Check out Nightmare Reaper on the GOG store at https://www.gog.com/en/game/nightmare_reaper

Join the official Discord at https://discord.gg/u2pdcGY

Episode 33 – Conversation with Chandana Ekanayake – Co-founder and creative director of Outerloop Games; makers of Falcon Age and Thirsty Suitors

In this episode I speak with Chandana Ekanayake; Co-Founder, studio and creator director of Outerloop Games and makers of Falcon Age and the upcoming Thirsty Suitors

Start – 06:45 – Intro

06:45 – 16:30 – Chandana talks about how he got into the industry via architecture digital renders/modelling and getting his start at Bethesda

16:30 – 27:00 – Chandana talks about why Metroid and Legend of Zelda were his favorite games as a child, moving on to how the Lucasarts Full Throttle game inspired him to want to get into making games. We jump off of there while talking about other enjoyed games and genres.

27:00 – 35:00 – We talk about what Chandana enjoys about games now.

35:00 – 53:00 – We talk about what Chandana enjoys doing outside of playing/making video games. Coaching sports with his kids, wine tasting, and anime (We spend a lot of time talking about anime…)

53:00 – End – We talk a little more about the upcoming game Thirsty Suitors prior to wrapping up

Check Chandana out on Twitter at https://twitter.com/Ekanaut

Check out Outerloop Games on Twitter at https://twitter.com/outerloopgames

Check out Falcon Age on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1075080/Falcon_Age/ or via their site with more info on where you can purchase it at https://www.falconage.com/

Wishlist Thirsty Suitors on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1617220/Thirsty_Suitors/

Episode 32 – Conversation with David Szymanski, creator of Dusk, the upcoming Iron Lung as well as several other self published and developed games, contributor to Dread XP and upcoming Gloomwood

In this episode I speak with David Szymanski, creator of Dusk, Iron Lung, contributor to Dread XP, Gloomwood, and several other projects.

Start – 7:00 – Introductions

7:00 – 34:00 – David shares how and where he got his start as well as advice he might give based on his experiences

34:00 – 40:30 – David talks about how his favourite game is Myst. We then spend some time talking about Myst

40:30 – 48:00 – I ask David if immersive sims are some of the things he enjoys about games which bridges into discussion of immersive sims as well as slav-jank games

48:00 – 52:00 – David talks about what he enjoys doing outside of making games. We also bridge into discussing children and [bad] parenting advice.

52:00 – End – Wrap up

Check out the End of Dyeus game David mentioned at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1304400/The_End_of_Dyeus/

Check out Iron Lung via Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1846170/Iron_Lung/?curator_clanid=34055240

To get more info on Gloomwood, check out Dillon Rogers at https://twitter.com/TafferKing451 or via the Steam page at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1150760/Gloomwood/

Check New Blood out on Twitter at https://twitter.com/NewBlood or via Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/NewBlood

Check David out on Twitter at https://twitter.com/DUSKdev

Check out David’s entire Steam catalog via his creator page at https://store.steampowered.com/developer/davidszymanski

Episode 27 – Conversation with Akabaka, developer of Chromatose and Sucker For Love: First Date

In this episode I speak with Akabaka, developer of the upcoming visual-novel style games Chromatose and Sucker For Love: First Date

Start – 9:30 – Intro

9:30 – 14:30 We talk about how Akabaka got into developing games and advice he might be able to share based on his experiences

14:30 – 24:45 – We talk about Akabaka’s favorite game as a child and why

24:45 – 34:30 – We talk about how Akabaka enjoys gaming now and what makes gaming enjoyable now

34:30 – 40:30 – We talk about what it is they enjoy about Hideo Kajima games

41:00 – 54:30 – We talk about what game Akabaka enjoys but doesn’t think got enough credit

54:30 – 1:04:30 – We talk about what kind of game Akabaka would like to make if given the opportunity

1:04:30 – End – Wrap up

Follow Akabaka on Twitter at https://twitter.com/ChromatoseDev

Join the Chromatose Discord at https://discord.com/invite/2JTWKxJ

Grab Sucker For Love on Steam or check out the Prelude on Steam

Check out the Dread XP Twitter at https://twitter.com/DreadXP_

Join the Dread XP Discord at discord.gg/AUxadtP9wm

Episode 24 – Conversation with Jason Smith, Cultic developer

In this episode I speak with Jason Smith, solo developer of the currently in-development retro-shooter Cultic. Being published by 3DRealms with a demo currently available on Steam.

Start – 7:00 – Introductions, and talking about Cultic and being published with 3D Realms

7:00 – 11:30 – We talk about Jason’s childhood and playing violent video games as a child that, like most from the core Melennial group, definitely should not have been playing.

11:30 – 26:45 – We talk about how Jason got into development and making video games and advice he can share based on his experiences.

26:45 – 32:45 – We talk about Jason’s two current favorite games

32:45 – 38:30 – We talk about Jason’s favorite games when they were younger/their favorite games of all time

38:30 – 41:00 – We talk about what Jason’s comfort games are and what makes them a comfort game

41:00 – 46:45 – We talk Minecraft

46:45 – 1:09:30 – We talk popular games that just didn’t click with Jason

1:09:30 – 1:27:15 – We talk about hard games as a casual player and his game, Cultic.

1:27:15 – 1:46:00 – We discuss Jason’s favorite trends in gaming, with a little bit of VR talk as well

1:46:00 – Wind down and closing

Follow Jason on Twitter to learn more about him and his game Cultic at https://twitter.com/JasozzGames

Checkout and wishlist the game on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1684930/CULTIC/

Checkout the Cultic publisher, 3D Realms, on Twitter at https://twitter.com/3DRealms

Be sure to follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RedTunicPodcast for the latest updates about the podcast, guests, and other game related things

Episode 23 – Conversation with Joseph Gribbin, maker of Grapple Dog

In this episode I speak with Joseph Gribbin, an indie developer that has worked on such games as Magnibox, Turn Undead 2, Spike City, and is currently working on Grapple Dog.

Start – 2:00 – Introductions

2:00 – 15:00 – We talk about how Joseph got into making games, and then stray into discussing imposter syndrome and how it can be dealt with. We then get to talking about how you should take pride in the work you create even if it’s not a huge success.

15:00 – 22:30 – Joseph shares some advice for those looking to get into the industry based off of his experiences, and just experience in general and how not all paths look the same and all examples and advice can be valid

22:30 – 39:00 – We talk about what Joseph’s favorite game when he was younger and why

39:00 – 47:30 – We talk about what makes gaming enjoyable to Joseph, with the conversation shifting to indie-studios and games.

47:30 – 55:30 – We spend some time talking about Joseph’s upcoming game Grapple Dog.

55:30 – 1:15:00 – I turn the floor over to Joseph and we talk about platformers

1:15:00 – End – Wrap Up

Learn more about Joseph by checking him out on Twitter at https://twitter.com/JoGribbin

Check out Grapple Dog on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/1345860/Grapple_Dog/

Be sure to follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RedTunicPodcast for the latest updates about the podcast, guests, and other game related things

Episode 20 – Conversation with indie game developer @GammaFoxTBG

In this episode I speak with indie game developer and constant Game Jam jammer GammeFoxTBG

Start – 4:00 – Introductions

4:00 – 13:00 – Gamma talks about the game jam scene and how he got into it as well as the games he has worked on and the approach to them

13:00 – 26:30 – We talk about Gamma’s favourite game as a child and what it was about that game they enjoyed, transitioning into discussing playing games with friends and how they are enjoyed, and other games they enjoy while also having a love hate relationship with them.

26:30 – 36:00 – We talk about what makes games enjoyable to Gamma and shift into discussing the joy that can come from solving an open ended problem in games like Factorio

36:00 – 42:15 – We discuss what kind of games Gamma is enjoying currently and what he likes about Rogue-Likes

42:15 – 57:30 – We talk about the Game Jam scene and why they enjoys participating in them and why they feel they are important to look into

57:30 – End – Wrap up with some words of encouragement from Gamma

To learn more about Gamma, check out his twitter @GammaFoxTBG

To check out some of Gamma’s games, check out his itch page gammafoxtbg.itch.io

Or alternatively you can check out their webpage for more information about them gammafoxtbg.com

Check out the below itch io links to learn more about Gamma’s collaborators





Be sure to follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RedTunicPodcast for the latest updates about the podcast, guests, and other game related things

Episode 18 – Conversation with Discrete Infinity, developer of Immaculate Drag @DscreteNfinity

In this episode I speak with Discrete Infinity, solo developer of Immaculate Drag, narrative designer, and contributor to many previous games and projects.

Start – 5:15 – Introductions

5:15 – 14:00 – We talk about his first real introduction to video games with Myst as well as his families involvement in gaming in the wake of Myst.

14:00 – 24:00 – Discrete Infinity explains how they got into narrative design… And how that influence really stems from DnD

24:00 – 34:00 – We discuss what people can do if they are looking to try and become narrative designers in the industry

34:00 – 39:30 – We discuss their favorite game as a child and why

39:30 – 51:00 – We discuss their current favorite games and then on to discussing games like Pathologic and what they like from Ice Pick Lodge.

51:00 – 1:07:00 – We discuss their view on the current landscape for fandom and interactions with fans. Their view on the indie development scene.

1:07:00 – 1:20:00 – We dig a little deeper and discuss the communities surrounding bigger and smaller companies and how there is a tendency to see people dehumanize those working at larger communities, disregarding them being just as passionate about their projects.

1:20:00 – 1:24:00 – We discuss their game a little more

1:24:00 – End – Closing up

To learn more about The Immaculate Drag, be sure to check them out on twitter at https://twitter.com/DscreteNfinity

Be sure to follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RedTunicPodcast for the latest updates about the podcast, guests, and other game related things